Tulisan ini merupakan kebingungan atau kegembiraan , yang jelas Nyach tidak paham. Tujuan ini saya tulis dengan harapan ada sharing pengalaman dari pembaca.
Ketika nyach membuka e-mail, saya terima e-mail tentang pengiriman dana dari Norwegia.
Memang c ada satu kenalan di sana dan itu tetangga yang bekerja sebagai TKI.
Sedangkan emailnya seperti ini :
" Hello My Dear Good Friend ,
Honestly after a serious thought, I have decided to
personally reach you directly through my private mail box
because I do not have anything against you, but your so
called partners working with you to realize the remittance
of your debt payment.
Have you ever wondered why you have been going all this
vicious circle over the past years with respect to having
your fund paid to you without any success? It is possible
that you were informed that your payment was brought to me
for finalization, neither were you informed that I am the
person frustrating every move to get your fund remitted,
another deceit on the part of your local representatives
here. Well, like I said earlier, I have nothing against you
or your payment but I’m only trying to protect my interest
also. I do not want to mention names here, but am certain
you are aware of those concerned in this issue.
I am the Director, International Wire Transfer/Telex
Department, Central Bank of Nigeria. Some time in the past a
group of people your representatives approached me through a
friend of mine who works with one of the Government
Ministries here and requested that I assist them conclude a
money transfer deal with your as the beneficiary and to that
we all agreed in terms to execute the said fund remittance.
According to them, they wanted to use this strategy to
transfer a huge amount of US Dollars by presenting your name
as “Beneficiary” whose fund has not been paid.in other
to pave way for their political ambition come 2011.
Although we agreed that once I effect the fund transfer,
they would give me 40% of the total fund and they will
equally give me your contact information to allow me access
to you before I release the fund to your account. When they
saw that I have already programmed your fund for onward
transfer and your name has been listed and approved among
those to be paid as beneficiaries of long over due funds ,
It was susprise to note that these altered our earlier
agreement of letting me have your contact information to
enable me regulate the transfer and confirm when funds hits
into your account to enable me send
you my account details for my share of 40%, what they did
was to start avoiding me and they resorted to threats to my
job and life. Because of that I immediately deleted your
Payment Initializing Code (PIC) among the list of those to
be paid, which made it IMPOSSIBLE for the transfer to be
completed to your account as of the moment.
However they became angry the more when they saw that their
plan of subverting me from the deal did not work, they
started bribing other officials of the bank to see if they
could get another approval to enable them transfer the money
to you but all the effort were to NO success. Is it not
funny that a beneficiary is being asked to pay for approval
fees while the said fund already programmed? I am 100%
responsible for the delay and obstructions of not moving the
funds because of the breach of the gentlemen agreement I had
with them abi initio. If you doubt what I have just stated
here,then you may go on to pay whatever amount they ask you
to come up with and after a short while they will come up
with another reason for you to pay again and it goes on and
on without end because they lack the facility to
successfully complete the fund remittance.
I did not reveal the Payment Initializing Code (PIC) to any
staff of this bank even till now, because I want to avoid
further betrayal hence no office can release the payment
without me. I actually have the power to remit this fund to
any one's account if i so wish and considering the sincerity
of the person, but since I have gotten your email address
through a reliable and close related officer.
enrout your payment strictly via our correspondence bank,
Now if you want us (you & I) to work together for us to
conclude the remittance to your account, these are my
(I) You must keep our transaction highly secret because I
don't want to get involve with any of your local
again and I will have 40% of the money because it is only
two of us and yours 60%.
(ii). You MUST assure me that you will not betray me when
the funds get into your account and that you will fellow
instructions to remit my own share into my private account
that i will relate to you immediately the funds are there
and confirmed into your checking account.
(iii) As you have seen, it will be useless and mere waste of
money if you continue with your local representatives and we
will conclude the transaction with utmost secrecy and
confidentiality if you wish to adhere to my directives and
instructions. If these conditions are acceptable to you,
please contact me as soon as possible to allow us finalize
all the necessary undertanding so as to enable me delve into
full action.
I will give you more important details once I hear from you
based on if you promise to keep away from your local
representatives in order to handle this matter with me in
utmost confidentiality because I want to transfer the money
without any of them knowing.
Saya berharap ada yang memberi saran tentang arti semua ini.
Terimakasih saya ucapkan.
Tips aman mengkonsumi obat Herbal
18 jam yang lalu
5 komentar:
saya juga pernah mendapatkan email seperti itu, bahkan saya di tawari kerja di RUSIA, sebagai teknisi. orang tersebut meminta kita mengirimkan Biodata saya lewat Email. dan dia menawarkan ribuan $$$ untuk gaji setahun, setelah mencari tau di Kaskus, itu tidak bernard... nyesek juga ke ati... tapi jadikan pelarajan aja deh...
datang ke tempat saya ya, di tunggu. kalo mau tukeran link.
udah dapat ratusan email di 4 emailku nggak usah ditanggapi mas
Mas Chandra @ makasih atas sharring pengalamannya
Bang Munir @ ketika menulis postingan ini saya pikir ini pasti sebuah kejahatan di dunia maya. maksih Bang atas sarannya.
Halo kawan... saya sdh sering dpt email begitu dan langsung saya hapus sebelum saya baca krn saya sangat membencinya. itu spam. pelajari tentang spam http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spam_%28electronic%29
Teruskan prestasimu kawan, salam...
makasih sharingnya mas.
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